Revitalize Your Smile and Improve Your Quality of Life

Full-Mouth Rejuvenation

Don’t live with the discomfort and embarrassment of a broken-down smile. The doctors at Grillo Dental can return your smile to full health, function and beauty.


AnnMarie was in a tight spot before she called Grillo Dental. “My daughter was getting married in six months, and my teeth were horrible,” she says. “I was missing a couple of teeth. I had receding gums and discoloration.”

Dr. Grillo met with AnnMarie and reassured her that he could help. After completing a comprehensive oral exam, and taking and reviewing digital X-rays and a 3D CT X-ray, he recommended a course of treatment that would restore her smile, improve her oral health and renew her confidence—all in time for the wedding.

Comprehensive Treatment for Complex Cases

Grillo Dental’s doctors have the knowledge, skills and tools needed to coordinate multiple procedures and treat even the most complex cases in one location. Dr. Grillo has completed extensive training in full-mouth rejuvenation at the prestigious Dawson Academy, which emphasizes aesthetics and proper technique for long-lasting results. He has also participated in the Academy of General Dentistry’s New England Master Track Program, a series of continuing education courses required to become a Master of the AGD—a status earned by less than 2% of dentists.

Full-Mouth Rejuvenation Procedures

A full-mouth rejuvenation can involve a wide variety of procedures, including:

  • Dental implants
  • Implant-supported bridges or dentures
  • Porcelain crowns and bridges
  • Veneers
  • Gentle, comfortable root canal therapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Tooth extractions
  • Gum disease treatment

Improved Health and Confidence

Doing a full-mouth rejuvenation allows the doctors to address the patient’s complete oral health, including treating missing or broken-down teeth, gum disease, bone loss and/or a misaligned bite to produce a beautiful, aesthetic and confident smile.

To keep the new smile healthy, the doctors offer easy-to-use Perio Protect trays. The trays deliver medication below the gums and only need to be worn for 15 minutes per day.

Gentle, Comfortable Care

The doctors and staff keep patients comfortable during their appointments, offering blankets, pillows, noise-canceling headphones and TVs in the treatment rooms. They explain the procedure and aftercare, and answer all the patient’s questions. Patients can also request oral or IV sedation.

Before and After


Full-Mouth Rejuvenation Consultation

  • Meet with Dr. Grillo
  • Discuss your goals
  • Learn about your treatment options
  • Get your questions answered