Cosmetic Dentistry

Get the Attractive New Smile You’ve Always Wanted!

Are you embarrassed by your smile? Do you cover your mouth or feel self-conscious when talking?

The doctors have the knowledge and skill to craft healthy, natural-looking smiles using a range of treatment options.

Dr. Grillo going over procedures from a book with a patient.
“All facets of dentistry have to do with cosmetics,” says Dr. Grillo. “Patients who come in for a cosmetic consultation can be sure that all my years of training and experience have been geared to giving them the smile they’ve been dreaming about.”

Creating an Aesthetically Pleasing New Smile

Grillo Dental’s doctors listen closely to the patient’s wishes and make sure they understand the patient’s goals. The doctor and patient look at before-and-after pictures and discuss possible treatments. “This is a patient-centered process, and it’s designed to make sure the patient’s new smile is just what they want,” says Dr. Grillo. “The improvements are as big or as small as the patient wants them to be.”

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can

Change a Smile

Tools Used to Transform a Smile
    Natural-looking porcelain veneers give patients an instant smile makeover.
    At Grillo Dental, CEREC® technology is used to create high-quality custom crowns in the office.
    Effective, professional-strength teeth whitening is offered with custom trays to use at home.
    Bonding closes gaps and repairs minor imperfections.
    Durable implants replace missing and broken-down teeth, and provide a stable foundation for implant-supported dentures.
  • CandidPro®
    CandidPro clear aligners straighten teeth without wires or brackets, and can be easily removed for eating, brushing and flossing.
    A quick and comfortable laser treatment removes excess gum tissue, fixing an uneven gumline or a gummy smile.
Conditions Cosmetic Dentistry Can Fix
  • Yellow, stained or badly discolored teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crooked or crowded teeth
  • Chips or rough spots
  • Broken-down or missing teeth
  • Mismatched or misshapen teeth
  • Gummy smiles and uneven gumlines
  • Old silver fillings

Customized Treatment Plans

“We want to enhance the patient’s natural beauty, so we design a custom treatment plan to get natural-looking results that complement the patient’s features,” Dr. Grillo says. Treatment options may include veneers, crowns, bridges, teeth straightening, whitening, dental bonding, implants or gum recontouring.

Modern technology plays an important role in planning a cosmetic procedure. The doctors may use digital impressions, intraoral and extraoral photos, and 3D X-rays or models—whatever is necessary to provide the most precise data for crafting the new smile. Cosmetic imaging software shows the patient how their smile will look, allowing them to ask specific questions and have a voice in achieving the results they want.

High-Quality Labs and Materials

Dr. Grillo can measure implant stability, so he knows when it is safe to attach the permanent replacement teeth. The patient receives beautiful, natural-looking teeth that fit seamlessly into their smile and can last a lifetime with proper care.

Custom Smiles Designed for a Natural, Healthy Look

Dr. Grillo taking a dental photograph of a patient's smile.
Digital photos of the patient’s smile are taken to aid in designing and creating the patient’s new look.
Dr. Grillo going over a patient's cosmetic dental procedure on a computer screen.
Patients can look at before-and-after photos to help them decide what they want their new smile to look like.
Dr. Grillo showing a patient a physical model mouth.
Dr. Grillo creates a model of the new smile and works closely with the patient to make sure it looks just the way they imagined.

Before and After


Cosmetic Consultation

  • Meet with Dr. Grillo
  • Discuss your goals
  • Learn about your treatment options
  • Get your questions answered